- 1969
- 1977
- 1979
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1990
- 1991
- 1993
- 1995
- 2001
- 2005
- 2017
1969 – Chef Centre beginnings, Loretta and Joyce in the Golden Square office in 1969. The building later became Virgin Radio in the mid-90s.
1977 – Weekly advert in the Evening Standard, Chef Centre was based in Frith Street at the time
1979 – Loretta Conaty, founder of All Seasons, pictured here at the old Quaqlino’s
1984 – Mike Moor sorting Christmas bookings in the Frith Street office
1985 – Chef brigade relief team sent to the Channel Islands
1986 – A Chef Centre supported function at Jersey’s Inn on the Park Hotel
1990 – Chef Centre moves to No.1 Kingly Street (Elsie, pictured)
1991 – The iconic Chef Centre weekly ‘Caterer’ advert used throughout the 90’s
1993 – Elsie providing admin support on the first Chef Centre computer!
1995 – Chef team who later supported the Oriana’s maiden cruise
2001 – Early British Culinary Olympics medal winners in 2001 on the 50th anniversary of its inauguration
2005 – A smorgasbord of client business cards collated in 2005
2017 – Chef Centre logo re-branding and the new website is launched
Počas sexu mozog aktívne produkuje dopamín – látku, vďaka ktorej sme príjemní, akýsi „perník“, ktorý nás povzbudzuje, aby sme robili to, čo je potrebné pre život: je potrebné sa množiť. Ale ak tabletka na erekciu v čase, a preto budeme pokračovať v všetkom, aby sme jedli (alebo urobili a máme sex), potom nič dobré nebude fungovať.